Table of Contents


Go to the Icinga Chair Website.


All configuration files are under the directory /etc/icinga2/conf.d
The configuration is done in three parts.

  1. Setup the host information: vms.conf / servers.conf
  2. Manage the services and how they are checked (check attributes): services.conf
  3. Low level execution of scripts and commands: commands.conf

Normally it is enough to fill out the host information. The services are automatically applied to any hosts that fit the scheme. The Nagios Monitoring scripts are located under

Configure a new machine

These things get checked: ping, ssh, cpu-load, disk-usage

  1. Install the nagios plugin package
    sudo apt-get install nagios-plugins-basic
  2. Create a new user icinga2
    sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" icinga2
  3. Setup SSH Public Key authentication
    sudo mkdir /home/icinga2/.ssh
    sudo vim /home/icinga2/.ssh/authorized_keys 
  4. Add following part to the authorized_keys file:

    authorized_keys - vm

    command="/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk `echo $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND | grep '^-w [0-9,%]* -c [0-9,%]*'` -A -I /sys/kernel/debug/* -I /var/lib/docker/* -I /run/docker/*",no-port-forwarding,no-x11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa 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 icinga2@icinga
    command="/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_load `echo $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND | grep '^-w [0-9,]* -c [0-9,]*'`",no-port-forwarding,no-x11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa 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 icinga2@icinga

    authorized_keys - server

    command="/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk `echo $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND | grep '^-w [0-9,%]* -c [0-9,%]*'` -A -I /sys/kernel/debug/* -I /var/lib/docker/* -I /run/docker/*",no-port-forwarding,no-x11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa 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 icinga2@icinga
    command="/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_load `echo $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND | grep '^-w [0-9,]* -c [0-9,]*'`",no-port-forwarding,no-x11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa 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 icinga2@icinga
  5. Change permission of ssh files
    sudo chown -R icinga2:icinga2 /home/icinga2/.ssh/ 


  1. Add a new section to the vms.conf/servers.conf
    object Host "new_machine - purpose" {
      address = "<ip-address>"
      vars.os = "Linux"
      check_command = "hostalive"
      vars.type = "disk-vm, load-vm / disk-server, load-server"
      #optional values for disk check
      vars.ssh_command_disk = " -w 50% -c 10%"
      #optional values for load check
      vars.ssh_command_load = " -w 5,4,3 -c 10,6,4"

Explanation of load check parameters

Load = <number active processes>/<number CPUs>
WLOAD1: threshold one minute WLOAD5 threshold last five minutes WLOAD15: threshold last 15 minutes
If one process uses CPU 100% system has load = 1, two processes use CPU 100% system has load = 2, etc.

Explanation of disk check parameters

-w percent free disk space -c percent free disk space
e.g.: -w 10% -c 5% = warn when only 10% disk space left, critical when only 5% left


This section lists the commands to install icinga2. Execute all commands with a prepended sudo or in a administrator shell.

apt-get install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:formorer/icinga
apt-get update
apt-get install icinga2

Now the commands for icinga2 web:

apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
#set mysql root password
apt-get install icinga2-ido-mysql
#choose no
mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database icinga; grant all on icinga.* to 'icinga'@'localhost' identified by '<password>';
mysql -u icinga -p icinga < /usr/share/icinga2-ido-mysql/schema/mysql.sql
icinga2 feature enable ido-mysql
icinga2 feature enable command
vim /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-mysql.conf
#fill out the password, user, database fields
service icinga2 restart
wget -O - | apt-key add -
add-apt-repository 'deb icinga-trusty main'
apt-get update
apt-get install icingaweb2
#some steps because of php7.0
a2dismod mpm_event
a2enmod mpm_prefork
a2enmod php7.0
service apache2 restart
icingacli setup token create
#show token in case you forgot
icingacli setup token show

visit this webpage

In the settings we change the php timezone to a fixed values

sudo vim /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini
#change this line
date.timezone = "Europe/Berlin"
#install some additional php packages to get graphs working
apt-get install php7.0-intl
apt-get install php7.0-gd
apt-get install php7.0-xml

In the further configuration choose LDAP as the authentification backend:

Host: ldap://
Port: 389
Root DN: ou=Personen,ou=IN,o=TUM,c=DE
Backend Type: LDAP
Ldap User Object Class: rbgAccount
LDAP User Name Attribute: uid
LDAP Group Object Class: posixGroup
ldap Group Filter : |(gidNumber=5440)(gidNumber=13457)
LDAP Group Name Attribute: cn
LDAP Group Member Attribute: memberUid
LDAP Base DN: ou=Gruppen,ou=IN,ou=TUM,c=DE

Now you need to configure the database access for icingaweb2. Just put in all the information and passwords you got from the step above while installing the icinga2 main component. If you got some weird permission errors resolve them:

chown -R www-data:icingaweb2 /etc/icingaweb2/modules

Set up ip routes so the il11 network (edison network, wifi) is reachable. This is used to monitor devices in the il11 network (e.g. edison sensor devices). On the il11 gateway (vmott3) the firewall has to be set up accordingly to allow commands from the icinga host through the gateway to the network devices.

sudo ip route add

Add this code to the interfaces file to persist virtual machine reboots.

 sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces
iface ens160 inet dhcp
    up ip route add via || true 

Checks Setup


  1. Address parameter and hostalive check_command has to be set in servers.conf / vms.conf
    object Host "machine" {
      address = ""
      check_command = "hostalive"


  1. Address parameter and vars.os has to be set in servers.conf / vms.conf
    object Host "machine" {
      address = ""
      vars.os = "Linux"

Disk Usage

  1. vars.type needs a disk-vm or disk-server:


object Host "machine" {
  address = ""
  vars.type = "disk-vm/disk-server"
  #optional line with disk parameters
  vars.ssh_command_disk = " -w 10% -c 5%"


apply Service "ssh_disk_server" {
  import "generic-service"
  check_command = "ssh_disk_server"
  display_name = "disk"

  assign where match("*disk-server*", host.vars.type)
apply Service "ssh_disk_vm" {
  import "generic-service"
  check_command = "ssh_disk"
  display_name = "disk"

  assign where match("*disk-vm*", host.vars.type)


object CheckCommand "ssh_disk_server" {
        import "plugin-check-command"

        command = [ PluginDir + "/check_by_ssh" ]

        arguments = {
                "-H" = "$ssh_hostname$"
                "-C" = "$ssh_command_disk$"
                "-l" = "$ssh_remote_user$"
                "-i" = "$ssh_identity$"
        vars.ssh_hostname = "$address$"
        vars.ssh_remote_user = "icinga2"
        vars.ssh_identity = "/home/icinga2/.ssh/id_rsa_server_disk"
        vars.ssh_command_disk = " -w 10% -c 5%"
object CheckCommand "ssh_disk" {
        import "plugin-check-command"

        command = [ PluginDir + "/check_by_ssh" ]

        arguments = {
                "-H" = "$ssh_hostname$"
                "-C" = "$ssh_command_disk$"
                "-l" = "$ssh_remote_user$"
                "-i" = "$ssh_identity$"
        vars.ssh_hostname = "$address$"
        vars.ssh_remote_user = "icinga2"
        vars.ssh_identity = "/home/icinga2/.ssh/id_rsa_vm_disk"
        vars.ssh_command_disk = " -w 10% -c 5%"

In systems more recent than 15.04 there is a permission big when checking the filesystem.
DISK CRITICAL - /run/lxcfs/controllers is not accessible: Permission denied
There is a workaround:

sudo chown root:root /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk
sudo chmod u+s /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk
sudo chmod o+x /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk 


  1. host needs in vars.type a “load-vm/load-server”:


object Host "machine" {
  address = ""
  vars.type = "load-vm/load-server"
  #optional line with load parameters
  vars.ssh_command_load = " -w 5,4,3 -c 10,6,4"


apply Service "ssh_load_server" {
  import "generic-service"
  check_command = "ssh_load_server"
  display_name = "load"
  assign where match("*load-server*", host.vars.type)
apply Service "ssh_load" {
  import "generic-service"
  check_command = "ssh_load"
  display_name = "load"

  assign where match("*load-vm*", host.vars.type)


object CheckCommand "ssh_load_server" {
        import "plugin-check-command"

        command = [ PluginDir + "/check_by_ssh" ]

        arguments = {
                "-H" = "$ssh_hostname$"
                "-C" = "$ssh_command_load$"
                "-l" = "$ssh_remote_user$"
                "-i" = "$ssh_identity$"
        vars.ssh_hostname = "$address$"
        vars.ssh_remote_user = "icinga2"
        vars.ssh_identity = "/home/icinga2/.ssh/id_rsa_server_load"
        vars.ssh_command_load = " -w 5,4,3 -c 10,6,4"
object CheckCommand "ssh_load" {
        import "plugin-check-command"

        command = [ PluginDir + "/check_by_ssh" ]

        arguments = {
                "-H" = "$ssh_hostname$"
                "-C" = "$ssh_command_load$"
                "-l" = "$ssh_remote_user$"
                "-i" = "$ssh_identity$"
        vars.ssh_hostname = "$address$"
        vars.ssh_remote_user = "icinga2"
        vars.ssh_identity = "/home/icinga2/.ssh/id_rsa_vm_load"
        vars.ssh_command_load = " -w 5,4,3 -c 10,6,4"


Check HTTP Website for String and certificates. First install nagios-plugins for check_http:

sudo apt install nagios-plugin

Http Check: http_host (req), http_url (default: /), http_ssl (default: true), http_string (req, string to check for)
Http Certificate Check: http_host (req), http_url (defaul: /), http_cert_exp (default: 14,7, first warn value then critical value days till expiration)

usage - e.g. one.conf

object Host "one02 - edge,phi - webserver - ding" {
  address = ""
  vars.os = "Linux"
  check_command = "hostalive"
  vars.http["Edge Computing Workshop 2017"] = {
        http_host = ""
        http_string = "Mobile Networking, Analytics and Edge Computing"
        http_ssl = "true"
  vars.http["EdgeSys Workshop 2018"] = {
        http_host = ""
        http_string = "The 1st International Workshop on Edge Systems"
        http_ssl = "true"

  vars.http_cert["Edge Computing Workshop 2017 - Certificate"] = {
        http_cert_exp = "14,7"
        http_host = ""
  vars.http_cert["EdgeSys Workshop 2018 - Certificate"] = {
        http_cert_exp = "14,7"
        http_host = ""


object ServiceGroup "http" {
  display_name = "HTTP Checks"

  assign where match("http*", service.check_command)

object ServiceGroup "http_certificates" {
  display_name = "HTTPS Certificate Checks"

  assign where match("http_cert*", service.check_command)


object CheckCommand "http_check" {
        import "plugin-check-command"

        command = [ PluginDir + "/check_http" ]

        arguments = {
                "-H" = "$http_host$"
                "-u" = "$http_url$"
                "-s" = "$http_string$"
                "-S" = {
                  description = "Enable SSL/TLS"
                  set_if = "$http_ssl$"
                "-f" = {
                 value= "$http_redirect$"
                 description="Output when redirected (default: warning)"
        vars.http_url = "/"
        vars.http_redirect = "warning"
        vars.http_ssl = "true"
object CheckCommand "http_certificate" {
        import "plugin-check-command"

        command = [ PluginDir + "/check_http" ]

        arguments = {
                "-H" = "$http_host$"
                "-C" = "$http_cert_exp$"
                "-u" = "$http_url$"
        vars.http_cert_exp = "14,7"
        vars.http_url = "/"


apply Service for (http_host => config in host.vars.http) {
  import "generic-service"

  check_command = "http_check"
  vars += config

apply Service for (http_host => config in host.vars.http_cert) {
  import "generic-service"

  check_command = "http_certificate"
  vars += config


Icinga Config Changes

  1. Check if configs are correct
    sudo service icinga2 checkconfig 
  2. Reload icinga config files
    sudo service icinga2 reload 

Icinga directories
Main directory with config files:
