Virtual Machines

We have several virtual machines at the chair. Right now we have two VM providers:

Most of the virtual machines are hosted at the RBG. They can be categorized in chair infrastructure and research. In the following tables all current machines are listed and their state:



RBG Infrastructure

Project Name VM Name End Date Responsible Category Note State Created
Servercontrolvmott2unlimitedott - Jörg OttINgateway to the IDRAC interfaces of the servers
Gateway il11vmott3unlimitedpaulth - Thomas PaulINfirewall and gateway to il11
Dokuwikivmott4unlimitedpaulth - Thomas PaulINwiki to exchange and write down knowledge
Icinga-Monitoringvmott8unlimitedpaulth - Thomas PaulINicinga monitoring service for servers and vms
Schlichter Websitevmschlichter7unlimitedwoerndl - Wolfgang WörndlINold chair website of prof. schlichter
Teemu Testvmott1unlimitedkaerkkae - Teemu KaerkkaeinenRStest virtual machine for Teemu
Travel Recvmott5unlimitedworendl - Wolfgang WörndlRSfrom bachelor thesis to a longterm project recommender systems
Development Test IIvmott708.2017tonetto - Leonardo TonettoRStest virtual machine for Leonardo Tonetto, data analysis
Freevmott912.2018paulth - Thomas PaulRSFREE TO USE - old - Master Thesis Hassan Bilal01.07.2016
OSM Servervmott10unlimitedherzogd - Daniel HerzogRSOpen Street Maps Server for research
Proximity Data Collectionvmott1112.2019haus - Michael HausRScollecting sensor data in a database
City Trip Plannervmott12unlimitedherzogd - Daniel HerzogRSdevelopment of a city trip application
Serious Game Plattformvmott13unlimitedschaefeh - Hanna SchaeferRSclone of vmschlichter2707.12.2016
Summer Experiments Social Computingvmott1431.12.2017schams - Sebastian SchamsRSsocial network with elgg13.12.2016
GBS and Weihenstephanvmschlichter14-Alexander LehmannINstatus unknown - is not running
Explore TUMvmschlichter13--RSstatus unknown - is not running
Softwareentwicklungsumgebungvmschlichter22unlimitedhauptmac - Claudius HauptmannRSConfluence, JIRA, Crowd, Bamboo, Stash, Artifactory each in own Tomcat instance
Experiments External PhD Studentvmschlichter2406.2019halims - Safey HalimRSexperiment Safey Halim - Mail 09.01.1804.2015
Food Recommendervmschlichter2731.05.2018schaefeh - Hanna SchaeferRSFood Recommendations
Food Recommender Prodictionvmschlichter2931.05.2018schaefeh - Hanna SchaeferRSFood Recommendation productive system18.10.2016
LifeRay Developmentvmschlichter1212.2018grohg - Georg GrohRSnot running - Halgurt Bapierre Dissertation
Smart Notificationsvmschlichter1612.2017schulze - Florian Schule (Wolfgang Wörndl)RSSmart Notifications Server
Dissertation Aisikinvmschlichter1812.2016Alexander LehmannRSDissertation Aisikin - status unknown - not running
MT-Ludwigvmschlichter2112.2016woerndl - Wolfgang WörndlRSMaster Thesis Michael Ludwig
MT Ribeirovmschlichter2812.2018woerndl - Wolfgang WörndlRSMaster Thesis Ribeiro
Master Student Vittoriovmott1530.12.2017cozzolin - Vittorio CozzolinoRSMaster Thesis project Node.js Test Server for Sensor Data27.01.2017